Install Community Batteries

Install Community Batteries

Installation of local community electricity batteries to soak up excess local electrical energy, stabilise the local grid, export local excess energy and reduce our need for more long distance electrical grid cables.


Why do people think batteries are so good for the environment. Do you know what is required to make a battery. How long does a battery last for? They are not exactly environmentally favourable items when they are discarded either. I want to see more stats on how much benefit they provide (energy) vs how much damage they cause (mining, manufacturing and disposal). I do not think this equation is ever done correctly and hence we are coming up with the wrong answers.

Reduce local grid instability, lower electricity transmission costs and reduce solar energy wastage during excess solar days

One community battery can support 100 houses. Transmission lines are expensive & not wanted by many people. Rooftop PV on houses in a big city can generate 100% of their requirements. Australia can get there first. Average system size now 10 KW & growing.

Daytime solar output is excessive and is driving wholesale electricity prices negative. Storage is the key to addressing this. Localised storage can reduce the need for large scale transmission lines

The current technology for large batteries is extremely promising, and provides a very handy solution to some of the key challenges that come with using renewal sources of energy as our main power source. It seems like a no-brainer.

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