Watch Video Did you know you have to mine 250 Tonnes of earth to produce ONE 400KG electric vehicle battery (Source = Praguer), which uses heavy earth minerals such as copper, lead, nickel and lithium and will only last 10-15 years before needing to be disposed of. How many cars need to be changed to electric on the planet and what is the impact to the earth of that amount of mining? Video shows similar equation for solar panels and wind turbines.
Read the Fact check. They do not provide an amount they just say the other people are wrong (gross exaggeration were their words) but they would say that wouldn't they. A bit of he says she says. Wonder who is actually correct. Probably a combination of both that is why we need to be able to make it all a mathematical equation to work out the correct answer.
Mills fails to mention climate change and the enormous environmental impact of coal, oil and gas. Please be careful where you get your information. Prager University Foundation is not a university, it is an advocacy group that creates content promoting far-right and capitalist viewpoints on various topics, founded by a talk-show host. Their videos contain misleading and false information promoting creationism and climate change denial. Their funding is mostly from ff companies like Exxon.
I know it's not the example you gave but prageru usaully is a bit manipulative with how they choose to present information. Of course 'renewables' take resources to make but they "pay themselves back" pretty quickly. Here's just one example for solar panels. They last 20-25 years and pay themselves back within 1 year.
This is a funny way to do a back and forth but the arguement of the factcheck is saying that there is no way of getting a definitive value for "how much mining" it takes to make a battery, and is moreso pointing out that it isn't a very useful statistic or way of understanding the environmental effects of the production of renewable technologies. But if we are focusing on "how much earth is mined," there isnt any power generation that doesn't involve mining resources for it.
Power generation on a large global scale is always going to have some environmental impact, but our job is to minimise this impact as much as we possibly can. Fossil fuels also require mining, and on balance, currently cause far more real environmental harm than the potential risks of using renewables. We should definitely be aware of the challenges and risks with renewables and work to mitigate them, but we also need to keep it in perspective.
Nina OK then can you tell me how much mining is required to make a 400KG Electric Vehicle battery then. If you can show me they are wrong I will not just think you are pushing your angle.
An article specifically about the car battery claim.
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